Soon after the opening WWDC 2019 keynote ended, Apple released the first developer beta of iOS 13. As the name indicates, this developer beta is meant only for developers. However, given the sheer number of new features and changes that iOS 13 packs, many advanced users must be itching to install the OS on their iPhone or iPad. If you are in the same boat, I am here to spoil the party for you by giving you some reasons for not installing the iOS 13 beta on your iPhone right away.
There are quite a few reasons for one to not install the iOS 13 beta on their iPhone or iPad despite the temptation of trying out the new features the OS packs. Below are a few of them.
Why You Should Not Install iOS 13 Beta Right Now
1. Installation is Difficult
Apple has thrown a curveball with the iOS 13 developer beta. Up until iOS 12, installing a developer beta required one to install a beta profile configuration file on their iPhone or iPad. This method worked even if an iPhone/iPad owner did not have a Developer account. With iOS 13 developer beta, Apple has made things difficult.
You need to make sure that your Mac is running either the macOS 10.15 beta or Xcode 11 beta. Plus, one needs to download the entire iOS 13 beta IPSW file for their device which is a massive download. Then, using iTunes, one will have to install the IPSW firmware file on their iPhone or iPad. The entire method is relatively complex and most users are likely going to reconsider installing the iOS 13 beta on their iPhone.
Read: How to Install iOS 13 Beta on iPhone
2. Betas are Buggy
Apple has just released the first developer beta of iOS 13. The OS is not even in public beta release stage right now as the first beta is strictly meant for developers. The ‘developer beta’ tag makes it pretty clear that this build of iOS 13 is buggy and filled with stability and performance issues. That’s common for any beta release as Apple will fix these issues over the next few months before the public release of iOS 13 in September.
Read: iOS 13 Beta Problems and Bugs Discovered So far
3. Broken Features
You might be tempted to install iOS 13 on your iPhone/iPad because of the new features it packs. But since this is just the first developer beta of the OS, most of the new features are only partially working or are broken. Apple is going to fix these broken features over the next few months as it releases more iOS 13 betas to the public and developers for testing.

4. Incompatible Third-Party Apps
Even if you bite the bullet and end up installing iOS 13 on your iPhone or iPad, you are bound to face another major issue: incompatibility with third-party apps. Plenty of third-party apps will simply refuse to work under iOS 13 or just downright crash when launched. This is fairly common when the OS gets a major underlying update which is the case with iOS 13. Developers have a few months to prepare their app for iOS 13 and it would be foolish to expect them to run out and release an app update to fix iOS 13 compatibility issues right away.
5. No Support
Since iOS 13 is still in development stages, you are not going to get any support from Apple or app developers for any issues that you are facing. In fact, if you are running the developer beta of iOS 13 on your iPhone or iPad, Apple expects you to submit it bug reports and feedback for any issues and bugs that you encounter. Instead of Apple supporting you, the opposite happens while running developer beta: you need to support Apple in ensuring the final release of iOS 13 is bug-free.
As for app developers, they can clearly say that their apps don’t support iOS 13 yet and so they won’t be able to help you with any issue that you are facing.
If your iPhone or iPad is your daily driver for a significant amount of work, you should really stay away from installing iOS 13 on it right now. Instead, wait until later this month when Apple releases the first public beta of iOS 13 which is going to be notably easier to install.
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